Friday, March 25, 2005

Jealousy ...

Today, i feel so jealous with someone. Cewek itu, why she has to be soo thin, soo pretty, soo make him to like her, and i'm so damn ... jealous.Padahal kan kemaren sudah gak lagi ?? Why they have to be back together ?? I know that they're just only a friend. But that feeling ... damn, he like her so much.Salah gak sih kalo aku pingin kaya' dia ??Mungkin bener kata Tre, kali aja seandainya .... dia bener2 sama aku, mungkin gak akan bagus juga. Walaupun mungkin aku bisa seperti cewek itu, belum tentu he will like me, right ??Tapi boleh khan berharap .... mungkin liat dari jauh aja kali ya ??Anyway, he looks happy today (oh, i love his smile, that thing who make me like him), and honestly that makes me happy ... even she always beside that guy, maybe because that thing.I hate you, but i love you, mungkin kata2 ini cocok buat menyatakan perasaanku sekarang. Hhhhhhh

God, why don't you send me someone great !!!! Someone who really love me soo much, with his caring, his kindness, oh shoot ... i'm living in a fantasy ... i'm living in a hope ...

Sorry, if my english not really good, i'm just express my feeling today ....

Oh God !!!!! Give me another sign, will you ???

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